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Photos by Carmen Alvarez

Here's a Bit About Us...

First and foremost we would like to say that we are soooo grateful! Grateful for our amazing families and friends who have been so supportive and loving and who we share laughs and deep conversations with. We are grateful for each other for the depth of love we have found together and for all of the experiences we have shared. We met about six years ago at a weekend camp-out/mini festival in Geyserville, CA. Matthew was sitting by the pool when Trinity swam her way into his life and ever since we have been on a journey together. From the beginning we have shared a passion for life and self inquiry. We have grown a lot over the years and deepened our understanding of love and compassion, acceptance and commitment. The journey has been full of adventures that have taught us how to go with the flow, communicate effectively, create what we want in our lives and open our hearts.

Fun Facts

  • Trinity was a competitive gymnast from the age of 8-15, one of her nicknames was the "beam queen".
  • Matthew is good at pretty much every sport the first time he tries it.
  • They both sleep with a pillow over their head to block out the light.
  • Matthew is notorious for putting things in the most random places (such as the remote in the fridge).
  • The weekend they met Matthews toothbrush fell out of his pocket, Trinity saw and brought it back to him, since then he has lost several more toothbrushes over the years.
  • They love hotsprings and their favorite getaway is spending a day relaxing in the warm waters.
  • Matthew swears by the hot/cold plunge and would do it every day if he could. He plans to build a sauna at their new home so that wish may come true.
  • If you want to make Trinity laugh, show her a picture of an animal doing something silly.... (squirrel?)
  • Matthew could play music for hours on end, forgetting all about the rest of the world.
  • Nalu, their kitty is also known by the following names: Big Rotten, Curious George, Mr. Pitter Patters, Mr. Skitter Scatters, Kitty Bum... and several others.
  • He was born in Hawaii and his real name means "wave" in Hawaiian.
  • Trinity could eat mexican food for every meal... Matthew is convinced that she must have some Mexican heritage.
  • They often put whatever they cooked for dinner the night before into a tortilla and viola, Leftoritos.
  • During their Engagement photoshoot Matthew decided to jump out of that tree. He slipped as he landed and rolled over backwards down the hill. Our photographer caught the moment on camera.
  • At that same location Trinity did some solo shots reaching towards the camera. She got the worst poison oak on her arm from crawling on the forest floor.
  • Yoga is a staple in their lives. Like church for others, they go to class every sunday morning in Sebastopol.
  • Yoga provides them both balance and clarity in the mental, physical and spiritual realms.
  • Several years ago they literally traveled around the world. Starting in San Francisco, they flew to Russia (layover), then to Israel, walked across the border to Jordan, Flew to Thailand (while there went on a boat, train, car and moped), then Flew to South Korea (layover) before returning home to San Francisco.
  • Trinity's favorite activity while traveling is scuba diving or snorkeling. She could spend hours with the fishies and still not want to get out of the water.
  • Matthews favorite thing to do traveling is lay in the sun on the beach, or go on some sort of new adventure... but beach days would probably win most of the time.
  • Every year, they spend at least a few days snowboarding in Tahoe and they plan to teach their kids to ski as soon as they can walk.